Estrella Polar Pyrenean Mastiffs

Puppy Application
The expressed purpose and intent of our breeding program is to produce high quality puppies bred to standard and with the expressed goal of improving our lines. Our puppies can be trained and used for show, breeding purposes, as a companion, or for their original purpose as estate and livestock guardian dogs (LGDs).
The order of selection for a puppy is first determined by the quality of puppy you are looking for and then order of which your application was received. After that, it will depend on the sex that you requested and the availability of that sex. Breeder/Co-Breeder always has option for pick of litter whether male or female.
The Breeder will notify the first 5 applicants of a breeding and with whom the pairing is between. This will allow the potential buyers to know if they need more time or are ready to move forward. This does NOT guarantee a puppy; the breeder will then notify the first 5 applicants within 5 days of a live litter being born. At this time, if more puppies are available those after the first 5 will be notified accordingly. Non-refundable reservation fee of $500 is due within 10 days of notification of live litter or the next person on the wait list will be notified. Puppy selection will not take place until 7 weeks after puppy evaluations are complete, this is to allow for proper temperament testing and to best determine which puppies are of breeding/show quality.
If you do not receive notification that you will receive a puppy from the current litter, your name will remain on the list for the next litter. You may remove your name from the wait list at any time.
Please note that all puppies will come with a lifetime genetic health guarantee, lifetime breeder support, they will have had early neuro stimulation, and be raised with Puppy Culture protocols to ensure they have the best start to life. Puppies will have FCPR and AKC FSS registration for show quality and AKC FSS for non-show quality puppies.
***This application is not a purchase contract.***
Before you are added to the wait list, the breeder will call you and review your application with you via telephone.
If you select a show/breeding quality puppy and plan to breed the breeder will require a co-ownership agreement until all health testing is passed in accordance with the breed club’s code of ethics. Your breeder cannot ship a puppy to a new owner by air unless it is an international sale, a sale to Alaska or Hawaii, or any US Territory. If you have any questions please email us at
Applicant Information